Ein Beispiel hier:
Oder hier an anderer Stelle eine Zusammenfassung einiger Beiträge aus einem Forum (alle vom gleichen User namens "TDLink", welcher ebenfalls bei einem Screening war und sich extra die Zeit genommen hat ein paar Fragen so gut er konnte - und vorallem durfte - zu beantworten):And it was really nice. It's really atmospheric, but I liked that even though I feel the movie is going to be long( not like the first, but still long) that it was going fast. There are many plotlines they started in the first 20 minutes. I can't say much, because of embargo, but can say that I'm really satisfied with the route they went. Acting and cinematography are really nice and even though the effects were not finished and some not even half-finished it looked really great. We are introduced to a family and the acting by every single one of them especially Vera Farmiga was great. It feels like continuation to the first and there are a lot of new characters introduced in the first 20 minutes. I think there was a cut in these 40 minutes like 15 minutes before it finished where I felt was the middle of the movie. O'Shea Jackson was good and I think you are going to like how much of the other creatures you are going to see in this movie(especially Godzilla). For what I saw I'm very pleased and can honestly say it will probably be the most original from this universe and loved every single casting.
U.a. erwähnte er auch, dass Radon diesmal eine Art "Phönix" zu sein scheint ... na hoffentlich nicht noch so eine beknackte/überpowerte/fehl-designte Version wie der Pterodingsda-Feuervogel mit Laserstrahlen von 1993I saw this. It's pretty good. I wouldn't really compare it to Kong at all other than like Kong it's better than '14. It's definitely better than Kong too imo. I disagree that the humans are paper thin, they're much better than those movies too. Could still be better of course, and they have reshoots coming up so I am sure that's where the focus of them will be.
Ken Watanabe has the best scene. Millie Bobbie Brown is awful. Charles Dance is wasted. Almost every line out of Bradley Whitford's mouth is hilarious.
All of the fights are great, even with unfinished effects. And there are a ton of them. The final kill is awesome.
I can't really talk about specifics. But there are a lot of monster fights. They feel big. There are definitely shots where you get that sense of scale. There's no cutting away, you see everything in all its glory. I'd say they are the best Kaiju action scenes that I've witnessed in a Hollywood movie thus far, and keep in mind this was with unfinished effects. I think anyone who likes Kaiju stuff is going to be very happy.
Godzilla is central to the movie. He's not in every scene or fight though and there are still human characters that are being followed as the "central" characters.
As far as Millie Brown goes... After seeing this I now think she is a straight bad actor who can only do what she does as Eleven in Stranger things with no range beyond that. And it works for that role... not so much for this one where she's meant to be a normal human kid.
The last thing I'll say for now is this. There's some real emotional pillars in this movie and if they do some good reshoots this really has a chance to be a better than usual blockbuster. Certainly better than I think most would say a Kaiju movie has any right to be. There is one scene already in there with Ken Watanabe that I think is going to be iconic. Like classic film memorable iconic.
But we'll see.

Aber ständig höre ich von andere Stelle irgendwas von einem total misslungenen Ghidorah-Design ...I think Rodan is the only one that looks weird right now.
The effects on him were the most unfinished so it was a little hard to tell but he's like constantly on fire and at first I thought he was more wyvern than pterodactyl. It wasn't until a character called him Rodan I was like "oh, okay". Then I realized they're going for a sort of Phoenix motif I guess.
EDIT: OMG, ich habs gefunden ... und ...

Angeblich (laut der involvierten Firma ADI) aus einem verworfenen Projekt (offenbar irgend ein rasch aus den Fingern gesaugter Pseudo-Titel namens "Lucifer"), aber ich glaub das nicht so recht - weil, wäre schon ein saublöder Zufall, wenn die gleiche Firma, die an den Effekten für King of the Monsters beteiligt ist, schon zuvor für ein anderes (und total irrelevantes Projekt) ein dreiköpfiges, drachenartiges Etwas aus dem Hut zaubert und dieses dann versäumt hat, konsequenter unter Verschluss zu halten (und sobald es den Leuten auffällt, verbreitet wird und bei den Fans mies ankommt, wird natürlich sofort dementiert

Dazu mal ein passendes Zitat aus einem anderen Forum:
Ich mach mir so langsam doch Sorgen"The three headed, two winged, double tailed, two legged dragon you saw in the video that looks like King Ghidorah is completely coincidental and definitely not related to any Godzilla movie we're working on right now. But we still took the video down just...because reasons."

Puh! Entwarnung ... "TDLink" hatte dies noch zu Ghidorah's Design durchsickern lassen (ich hatte es lediglich überlesen)

Und hier hat er auch noch ein wenig zu Mothra zu sagen gehabt (soweit es ihm eben möglich war)This is fake, or at best outdated. He doesn't look like this in the movie. He looks great. Don't worry.
Ok, also soweit klingt doch alles ganz gut ...Uh. I don't know how to answer that? I mean Mothra seems inherently less monstrous than the others since it's a big moth. I wouldn't really say it has like a character arc though? I guess a little one, I don't know. Hard question to answer.
Godzilla is the only monster I would say is a clear "character". But ultimately they put the humans in these movies for a reason.

Wer das alles genauer mitverfolgen möchte - der kann dies ab hier tun (der Thread ist derzeit noch immer recht aktiv)